考研英语二大作文万能模板(纯干货) – 知乎(考研英语二大作文考什么类型)

考研英语二大作文万能模板(纯干货) – 知乎(考研英语二大作文考什么类型)缩略图
2024年 5月 26日 0 Comments


模板只是为了起到一个抛砖引玉的作用,大家可以在模板的基础上修改出一套适合自己的模板,灵活运用。 我当初也是听了不同老师的作文课归纳出的这一套万用模板,所以时间充足的话可以自己去尝试归纳总结。(另外:为了更直观理解模板,底部评论里我简单的套用了下2020的大作文作为范本)
大作文开头段引出:what looks beyond dispute is that in the chart(pie chart/line chart/bar chart table/survey)
描述数据:1.the number of 描述对象1 from the year of 某年 to 某年 , steady (sharply) increased from 3 % to 60 % . on the contrast,the amount of those in 描述对象2 grew (decreased/down) moderately to 1 billion(缓慢增长/下降到了10亿).in the meanwhile,the描述对象3 and 描述对象4 remained constant(steady,保持不变或稳定)
2.there are some different ratios/numbers of 图表调查的对象 in 调查范围(如:one city/one university). 描述对象1 take a comparatively large share,which is approximating(当数值确定的时候用amounting to)___ %.on the contrary,the proportion of 描述对象2 only ___%. in the meanwhile,the proportion of 描述对象3 and 描述对象4 are almost similar,which are ___% and ___%
描述数据词备用:twice approximately larger than……(大概是…的两倍) 1/3 approximately smaller than……(为…的1/3)
the ratio of smokers to non-smokers is 3:2(吸烟和非吸烟人的比例为3:2)
the figures reached the peak(bottom) in years(数值在某年达到顶/底端)
there is no obvious gap between …. and… 两者之间差别不大
other types account for only a small proportion. 其余的类型占据了一小部分比例
开头段总结引出主题:the symbol meaning of the chart is quite conspicuous —an increasing(decreasing) (比例类则用most )quantity of描述的主要对象 tend to (描述的行为/讨论的话题)
分析原因段引出:there exist a sea of elements to account for the ph
考研英语二大作文万能模板(纯干货) – 知乎(考研英语二大作文考什么类型)插图
enomenon,the most essential one,for my part,seems that(原因1)(在我看来,最重要的一点是… ) another element is that(原因2)(另外一个原因是…) what’s more, it must be stressed that.(原因3)(另外必须指出的另个原因是…)
1.with the chinese economy developing rapidly,the society is becoming stabler and more harmonious.as a result,more …….(people/student) are inclined to enjoy a convenient life( a high quality life)with more描述对象相关(经济原因带来的改变:适用于手机,电脑,网上购物等话题)
2. with the social ideology becoming more open and inclusive,the public are more willing to publicize their individuality and realize their value in life( have higher demand for living standards ). as a result, more chinese ,especially for重点群体 are inclined to 描述对象相关(思想上带来的改变:观念,行为,教育,个人价值,个性等话题)
3. scientific and technological development contribute to the……..(科技原因)
4. ……..is necessary for a person’s fulfillment and beneficial to enrich their lives.(对个人需求有必要的,也有利于丰富他们的生活)
5. the favorable policy of government supporting,……..has turned out to be a inevitable trend.(政府政策原因)
1. general public lacks the basic awareness about the significance(danger) of ……(意识上的问题:公众缺乏关于…的重要性/危险性的基本认识。)
2. relevant laws and regulations may not have been strictly enforced to warn people not to do sth. (如:to drive after drinking) (法律执行不力:可能没有严格执行有关的法律法规来警告人们不要做某事。(如:酒后驾车)
3. driven by short-term profits, 产生的行为 ,as a result,leading to our ecology in grave danger(重视短期利益的原因)
4.with the tempo of life accelerating,competition goes increasingly fierce in all walks of life, imposing tremendous pressure on all individuals. (压力的原因:伴随着生活节奏的加快,各行各业的竞争日趋激烈,给每个人带来了巨大的压力)。
末段引出:so could you imagine if the current tendency continued as it had,what would happen in the near future? there,no doubt, would be more (描述具体现象的趋势).what a hopeful (terrible/surprising)matter! at the same time authorities (parents, administrators) should pay attention to the…….(结果)by……..(通过采取…..措施)
as for ourselves.all we have to do is support and participate actively (万能)
1. the public should enhance their awareness of the significance of environmental protection. 公众应该提高环境保护重要性的意识
2. it is essential that the authorities should make and implement relevant laws and regulations to impose a heavy penalty on those who 坏的行为
3. a relevant education campaign should be launched to inform the public of the importance of 好的行为(harm of 坏的行为).(加强教育:一般用在涉及面比较广的社会问题)
4. as for ourselves,we should take practical actions to make our society/life better(就个人而言应采取实际行动让社会/生活更好)


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