
2024年 2月 29日 0 Comments

开头(必须)dear professors,i am so glad to be here for this interview. my name is xxx.i am 26 years old.i come from yantai,a beautiful city of shandong province.
i graduated from wuhan science university in 2018 and my major is engineering management.(客套话,介绍自己基本情况,包括姓名、年龄、来自哪、本科学校和专业)
学校经历(应届生必须)during my college life,i took part in some various campus activities,including singing competition,social activities and so on.(大学期间参加了很多活动,包括唱歌比赛,社会活动等等………)

工作经验(有工作经验的考生)after my graduation,i was hired at a real estate company as a secretary of ceo and a building engineer. this experience increased my professional knowledge. two years later,i was admitted to a public institution. the? job helps me? to form? a careful working attitude. (毕业后我进入一家房地产公司做总裁秘书和建筑工程师,这份工作增长了我的专业知识。两年后我被事业单位录取,这份工作让我养成了仔细的工作态度)
性格和爱好(必须)i am responsible, careful and willing to help others.? in my spare time,i like singing, cooking and traveling with my friends. in these ways,i can share my happiness and release my pressure.(我很有责任心,细心,而且乐于 助他人。在我空闲时间我喜欢唱歌,做饭以及和朋友旅行。这些爱好能让我分享快乐并且释放压力)

读研原因:the reason why i want to get a ** degree is to learn more knowledge of **** and turn to another working field. in addition,i want to network with more excellent friends and improve my soft skills.(我想读**是因为希望学习更多专业的知识,同时期望以后转行到别的工作领域,我想结交更多出色的朋友,提高自己的软实力)
选择贵校原因(学校肯定会问,可以单独问的时候再说):i choose china university of political science and law mainly based on the following reasons .first, i am? deeply attracted by the academic atmosphere in this university. second, this university has? so many excellent teachers who have a strong research abilities. finally, cupl is one of the most famous university of china.(我选择贵校主要有以下几个原因:一、被贵校学术氛围吸引。二、学校有很多杰出的老师都有着很强的学术研究能力。三、贵校是中国最著名的学校之一)
结束语:thats all. thank you.


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