
2023年 9月 19日 0 Comments


先敲门,再进入 面带浅笑边走边问长问短(各位教师好/hi),把简历(作品集)发给教师。

问长问短(各位教师好/hi,teachers or hello professors. i’m very glad to be here. ),鞠躬(不要日本式九十度)。
shell we begin?
ok,relex yourself,please sit down.?
well, thank you!?
let’s begin.
yes, please.


excuse me,i’m so sorry.?
but i didn’t catch you clearly.?
i really apprationate if you could say that again.
结束:ok,thank you for your time.




答复公示:t+s (topic sentence +sporting sentence(1-3))
what’s yourname?
my name is? xxx. and you can call me xxx . it’s my english name which was given by my()/form…
my name is? xxx.it is a meaningful name…… yu ,it means to be? in chinese…
my name is 名字. and you can call me 英文名. it’s myenglish name which was given by my english teacher in meddle school. i’m 年纪e years old, i graduated from 本科学校. actually,(i have been a calligraphy teacher for seven months in an arttraining institution for college entrance examination.)作业阅历,没有就不写。

in terms of academic studies,?(i won the nationalinspirational scholarship once, the universitys special scholarship threetimes, and the first prize scholarship two times.)=奖学金( in calligraphy practice, myworks have participated in more than 20 exhibitions. i am now a member of?chongqing calligrapher association.)=专业有关奖项

i like reading very much. what i mean is, comparedwith novels and fictions, i’m more into esthetics. reading on a comfortable chairin an afternoon with the sun shining brightly is my coziest time. i’m also likeplaying the piano. as you know, like most beginners, the first piano music i learned was richard claydermansdream wedding. the song was composedby french composer and producer paul de senneville and olivier toussaint.(快乐喜爱喜爱)
that’s all. thank you for your time.


my hometown is wushan. it is a small city in the eastof chongqing. in fact, this is a famous historical city. as the official reportof local administration said, there is a clear river, green mountains on bothsides, three gorges red leaves, four seasons of cloud and rain, ancient town ofthousands of years, ten thousand years of civilization. and the local government holds the wushan international red leaf festival in the three gorgesof the yangtze river every year. so, each year many people come here for tour,sightseeing, and vacation from all over the world.

in reading, my favorite chinese book is?the pathof beauty, which is written by li zehou, a famous aesthetician inchina. this book discusses the whole development history of chinese aesthetic spirit from the primitive totem to the literature and art of ming and qingdynasties. it reveals the historical and psychological accumulation of manyaesthetic phenomena. this book, has influenced a generation of young people andguided a batch of readers into the palace of beauty.
walden is an english book i am reading recently. its a record of living alone bywalden of course, i still stay in simple reading, which is not deep enough, butthe simple life advocated by the author is also my ideal.

can you talk about sth about your family?
t: in my family, there are 几口人 members, 别离是:
s1: 家人作业
s2: i love my family. d: when i make progress or get some achievements, they are more excited than me and encourage me to do better.
so i will try my best to repay them.
study plans and experience
t: absolutely, there must be many things to learn if iwere enrolled into my ideal research?field.
s1: first of all, i hope i can build up a systematicview of my major, especially have a better command of comprehensive knowledgein the??eld.
s2: secondly, i hope i can participate in somerelevant projects to get more experiences in practice.
s3: and what is more, if it is possible, i hope i cancontinue my study for a doctor degree.

certificates and honors
i won many awards during my college life. in terms ofacademic achievements, i won the national inspirationa
l scholarship once, theuniversity in terms of calligraphy practice, i won more than 20 awards in theexhibition, and now i am a member of chongqing calligrapher association.

reasons for taking postgraduate entrance examination
t: well, during the past four years, i have learned professional knowledge and practical skills. but i gradually realize that it isnot enough.
s: i believe that further education is urgent for me?to realize my dream and achieve self-value.
w: with the rapid development of the society, it isnecessary for us to catch precious opportunities for self-development.
c: so i prefer to further my education.
why did you choose this major?
t: well, i chose this major mainly for two reasons.
first of all, i believe that calligraphy research is avery promising industry, which needs a lot of talents. i mean, studying in thismajor can make me contribute more to the development of our country and realizegreater self-worth.
s2: second, i have a solid foundation of calligraphy theory and practice. this will be my advantage and help me to do better than mypeers in this field.
why do you change your major?
i have shifted my major from education to art for somereasons. this is mainly because i am really fond of it.
in high school, i had the opportunity to touch the artof calligraphy. when i first learned about it, i was deeply attracted by it. soi began to read related theoretical books and train calligraphy skills. to thisday, seven years later, i have also made some small achievements.
why did you choose ouruniversity?
t: well, to be honest, i should say i love thisuniversity very much.
w: when i came here for the??rst time i have been deeply impressed by theacademicat mosphere?and the?excellent faculty?of this university ./ i have along- lasting love of the atmosphere of campus.
d: it is full of passion and youthful spirit. all thethings can inspire me to form some fantastic thoughts and excellent ideas. thiskind of atmosphere is very helpful for study.

what is your greatest strength?
as for my strongest strength, i think it is my?conscientiousnessin work and learning, which promotes me to develop unceasingly and devotemyself in my work and do a good job.
i think it is helpful for my future work.
t: as a college student, i??rmly believe that?persistence and optimism?are mystrengths.
(example)when i was making preparation for thenational entrance examination for postgraduate, the strengths of persistenceand optimism help me out quite some times, especially when i was discouragedand felt disappointed.
what are your weaknesses?
well,??rst, we have to admit that everyone has hisor her own weaknesses.
as far as i am concerned, i am a little shy when communicating withstrangers. second, i often feel upset when i am busy. however, after fouryears’ studying in college, i improved myself a lot.
how do you feel about your progress? today?
to be frank, i made a great progress in the past fewyears?with thehelp of my classmates and friends and under the guidance of my teachers.in academic aspect, i acquired much basic knowledge of this??eld from text books and learnt how to solveproblems with them.
in other aspects, i got along well with all myclassmates and gained their friendship and respect.
what is more important is that i learnt to work withthe others and now i have a good sense of teamwork.
all in all, the last few years are really importantfor me.
who is your role model in life? why?
t: when it comes to my role model, i’ll never hesitate to talk about the professor of xxx.
s: he is the leader of my 专业?and the mostenergetic person i have ever met.
d: he is so passionate and enthusiastic about thecourse he is teaching, his students and life.
d: although he is over 年纪, he has a very young heart,which makes him seem as if he was in his twenties. i really admire his passionfor life, his youthful energy and charming personality.


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