
2023年 9月 16日 0 Comments

increasingly,it has become common for university students to take on part-time jobs or even start their own businesses prior to graduation.from the information given in the pie chart,we can see a survey on the reasons for starting one’s own business among college students at a certain university.those whose goal is to become entrepreneurs account for 44% of the total,the biggest among all the five categories,while those who could not find suitable jobs account for 15%.
as long as students are cautious,real-world entrepreneurial experience can greatly benefit their future careers.above all,students who launch their own business can gain valuable insight into their future career paths.some students may even choose to switch majors as a result of insight gained from work experience or entrepreneurial activities.in addition,regardless of whether a student succeeds or fails in a business venture,the mere fact of having work experience will come in handy when seeking a full-time job after graduation.employers will regard students will such experience as more ambitious,hard-working and mature than graduates who lack it.however,despite the benefits to students of “getting their feet wet” in the business world,it is crucial that they maintain academic studies as a top priority.
ultimately,every student must decide how best to allocate his or her time outside of class.indeed,many college-goers are wary of venturing into the real world until absolutely necessary.however,for those with a manageable schedule,exploratory mind and entrepreneurial spirit,work experience prior to graduation can offer important career benefits——not to mention a paycheck.


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