
2024年 9月 19日 0 Comments

第一步 圈出每个题干的名词(注意 名词和代词的替换 ,注意时态语态)
第二步 预判可能是正确选项的出处的句子(应用第一步圈出的定位词+首尾句+转折+超级长难句(应用权重叠加原理预判哪句话最有可能))
第三步 若能读懂第二步的句子,则直接选答案,若不能读懂第二步的句子,则圈出每个选项的名词,判断哪个和第二步的句子的意思最接近
第四步 运用人类的常识,最基本的逻辑,判断可能不确定的两个选项?哪一个更加简单粗暴直接必然?(这不是联想)
36.?the supreme court decision?thursday?will
定位+预判==答案可能在第一段第一句(只有一句,再进一步缩小范围精准定位will do sth. )
states will be able to force more people to pay sales tax when they make online purchases
under a supreme court decision thursday?that will
?leave shoppers with lighter wallets?but is a big
financial win for states.
若能读懂 will?leave shoppers with lighter wallets?则直接选答案 c
若读不懂 则圈出各个选项的名词,只有shoppers 与精定位处复现 则直接选c?
[a] put most online businesses?in a dilemma.
[b] force some states?to cut sales tax.
[c] make more online shoppers pay sales tax.
[d] better businesses’ relations?with?states.
37. it can be learned from paragraphs 2 and 3?that the overruled decisions?
定位+预判 ==答案可能在第二和第三的首句,
the supreme court’s opinion thursday overruled?a pair of decades-old decisions?that states said cost them billions of dollars?in lost revenue annually.
the cases?the court overturned?said that if a business was shipping a customer’s purchase to
a state where the business didn’t have a physical presence such as a warehouse or office,?the business didn’t have to collect sales tax for the state.
若读不懂,则把名词圈出来(the state,the business)(如果有认识的形容词和动词也圈出来,不认识就算了)只有states 复现 直接选d
[a] were widely criticized by online purchasers.
[b] have cost consumers?a lot over the years.
[c] have led to the dominance?of?e-commerce.?
[d] were considered unfavorable by?states.
38.according to justice anthony kennedy, the physical presence rule?has?
定位+预判==答案可能在第四段前两句(其实在第三句),但是仔细定睛一看才发现其中的猫腻 第一句出现了(justice anthony kennedy,第二句出现了the physical presence rule,而且时态不满足 has done,再仔细一看第三句kennedy wrote that the rule has prevented market participants from competing on an even playing field.” ?何人何事+has done 则得出最终结论 答案在最后一句,则直接秒选b,则得出在预判答案可能在哪句时 不能掉以轻心)
[a] hindered economic development.
[b] harmed fair market competition.
[c] boosted growth?in states’ revenue.
[d] brought prosperity?to the country.
39. who are most likely to welcome the supreme court ruling?
the ruling?is a victory for big chains?with a presence in many states, since they usually collect sales tax on online purchases already.
[a] big-chain owners. (在预判句,零基础什么也看不懂,迫不得已只能选a)
[b] third-party?sellers. (在第四句出现了)
[c] internet entrepreneurs. (未出现)
[d] small?retailers. (在下一段出现了,就离谱)
40. in dealing with?the supreme court decision?thursday, the author (考察全年论证结构的题,需串联全文,因为基础太差,所以直接放弃,最后四篇阅读时,看哪个选项最少,直接选即可)
[a] presents its main points with conflicting views on them.
[b] gives a factual account of it and discusses its consequences.
[c] cites some cases related to it and analyzes their implications.
[d] describes the long and complicated process of its making.
第一段第一句+will do sth进一步缩小范围,因为零基础,只能迫不得已选择c
第二段+第三段首句因为第二段和第三段首句分别有“decisions,the decisions,the cases”+“state”出现了四次,因为零基础,只能迫不得已选择d
第四段第三句(因为此句的kennedy wrote that the rule has prevented和题干何人何事+时态完美对应),又因为(market,competing),又因为零基础,则迫不得已只能勉为其难的选择b
第五段第一句(因为没转折,没超级长难句,第一句占的权重最大,因为零基础,因为迫不得已,因为无可奈何,所以只能只看第一句,因为一个单词都看不懂,只看见big chains 则只能铤而走险选择a),


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